Let’s talk about Ambrosia : short IRS conferences online

Let’s talk about Ambrosia : short IRS conferences online

The International Ragweed Society is pleased to announce the start of regular sessions “Let’s talk about Ambrosia!”. Stay updated!

“Let’s talk about Ambrosia!” are short online conferences that aim to share between all persons interested in this plant knowledge about all aspects of vital ragweed functions, its impact and means of control.
The procedure is simple: a speaker presents his/her project, work or research outcomes concerning Ambrosia species during 15 min. Next 15 minutes the public can address questions to the speaker on his presentation.

And don’t forget: you can be a speaker too!

If you would like to present your ragweed-related work or project to the community, please contact: irs.ragweed@gmail.com with a short summary of your presentation proposal.

Program :

  • September 7, 13.00-14.00: Citizen science to tackle Ambrosia artemisiifolia populations and prevent future invasion ? By Pr. Arnaud Monty, Liège University (Belgium). (See the video / Download the presentation )
  • October 26, 13.00-14.00: Pollen-food syndrome caused by Ambrosia. By  Pr. Victoria Rodinkova, Vinnytsia Medical University (Ukraine). (See the video / Download the presentation)
  • December 12, 13.00-14.00 (Paris local time): Ophraella communa – Integrating species attributes to predict spatially explicit impact. By Dr. Yan Sun, College of Resource & Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University – Wuhan (China). (See the video / Download the presentation)


If you want to participate to the next session, please complete the following form to receive the link : https://forms.gle/ANVQsJ2zgRrbt9HC7



Please find the issue of September 2023 of the French observatory Letter on our website, espece-risque-sante.info : click here to consult it

This newsletter aims to provide general and scientific information on the latest news concerning ragweed species and other high-stake species for human health. In this issue :

  •  Let’s talk about Ambrosia
  •  EU norms and rules for seeds material
  • Processing conditions which make the Ambrosia seeds nonviable
  • Another study confirms the impact of climate change on ragweed species distribution

If you know anyone who might be interested in this newsletter, please share them the link ! They also can contact us (especes-risque-sante@fredon-france.fr ) and we will send them the next issue (just a few issues are in English each year).

World Aerobiology 2024

World Aerobiology 2024

EAS and IAA decided to exceptionnally combine the ICA, originally planned in Worcester in 2022, with the ESA scheduled in 2024 in Vilnius. IRS will also join to organize during this time the 5th IRC.

The new official name of this event is:

World Aerobiology 2024:
The 8th European Symposium on Aerobiology, the 12th International Congress on Aerobiology and the 5th International Ragweed Conference.

You can already check the dates on your calendar:

1-5 July 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania

For more information, please visit the official website of the event: https://www.aerobiology2024.com/




Please find the issue of Augut 2023 of the French observatory Letter on our website, espece-risque-sante.info : click here to consult it

This newsletter aims to provide general and scientific information on the latest news concerning ragweed species and other high-stake species for human health.

In this issue :

  • International ragweed days 2023 in France

  •  When does ragweed start pollinating this year in France?

  • Budapest : Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

  • Update of distribution maps of ragweeds in France

If you know anyone who might be interested in this newsletter, please share them the link ! They also can contact us (especes-risque-sante@fredon-france.fr ) and we will send them the next issue (just a few issues are in English: one or two newsletters will be translated each year).

European Parliament roundtable on bioaerosols: join online

European Parliament roundtable on bioaerosols: join online

The roundtable event, specially dedicated to bioaerosols (Agenda), will be organized at the European Parliament next week. In collaboration with the European Parliament Interest Group on Allergy and Asthma, there will be a discussion on the “Need for an EU One Health-in-all-policies approach: addressing the allergy and asthma epidemic“. The roundtable starts at 14:00 (CET) on 4 July, and also has a livestream format.

Please note, that only registered persons will be able to participate in the live stream.
Please find below all the links concerning the event:
Registration page: https://bit.ly/3qTDkrv  
Twitter post: https://twitter.com/EFA_Patients/status/1671112706999439360?s=20
LinkedIn post: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7076883645227003904