6th European Symposium on Aerobiology
During 5 days (between 18th and 22nd of July 2016) was held the 6th European Symposium on Aerobiology in Lyon (France). One afternoon was dedicated to ragweed during a IRS-COST SMARTER joint session.
1 lecture, 10 oral presentations and 7 posters were scheduled:
Bruno Chauvel: Has allergy to pollen not increased the spread of common ragweed? Estimating the economic effects of Ophraella communa on common ragweed pollen risks in South-Eastern France. |
Matt Smith: Analysis of airborne Ambrosia pollen in Europe within the framework of Cost SMARTER. |
Heinz Müller-Schärer: Risk assessment of the leaf beetle Ophraella communa, a biological control candidate for Ambrosia artemisiifolia. |
Suzanne Lommen: The potential impact of an exotic beetle on ragweed pollen in Europe. |
Maira Bonini: Ophraella communa and ragweed pollen reduction in the air of Northern Italy. Relationships between ragweed and mugwort pollen seasonal parameters and assessment of their potential impact on health. |
Carsten Skjoth: Italian ragweed pollen inventory. |
Branko Sikoparija: Results of the European Quality Control exercise for Ambrosia pollen. |
Elena Severova: Stability of ragweed populations in Central Russia: self-maintenance or seed import? |
Chantal Déchamp: 2015: evolution of Ambrosia pollen concentration in 5 traps in the Rhone-Alpes Region by AFEDA. |
Olga Ritenberga: Temporal Changes of Ragweed (A. artemisiifolia, A. trifida, A. psilostachya) Pollen Concentration In Latvia. |
Dieter Ernst: Effects of NO2 on the pollen/seed production and flavonoid amount of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.). Pollen of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): Illumina-based de novo sequencing and differential transcript expression upon elevated NO2/O3. |
Iuliia Posevina: First volumetric data on ragweed pollen in Ryazan’ (Central Russia). |
Franziska Zemmer: Regional pollen counts reflect local loads of Ambrosia spp. but not of Xanthium ssp. |
Milica Atalgic: Can pollen concentrations measured at roof level represent local exposure to Ambrosia pollen in an urban area? |
Samuel Monnier: The interactive platform ‘Signalement-Ambroisie’ a participative tool for the fight against ragweed. |