April 3-4, 2014, Rho (Milan), Italy
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Conference Chairs are Maira Bonini (Local Health Authority Milan 1; Italian Association of Aerobiology - Italian Monitoring Network in Aerobiology [A.I.A.-R.I.M.A.]) and Tamas Komives (Plant Protection Institue, Hungary), Head Organizer of the 3rd IRC and President of the International Ragweed Society, respectively.
Conference venue: Congress Centre (Centro Congressi) in Rho, placed inside an 18th Century complex surrounded by a big park and a lovely Italian garden, to keep and favor the silence.
The conference will be jointly organized with "Ambrosia day, 2014 - Ragweed allergy: 15 years of prevention" (Local Health Authority Milan 1, Lombardy Region, Italy) and will focus on the harmful effects of the pollen of common ragweed in Europe. Basic research together with practical considerations in the field of pollen allergen genetics, aerobiology and meteorological aspects, human (and animal) health aspects and public health issues, ecological and management aspects will be emphasized, along with laboratory, pilot, and modeling studies leading to innovative approaches. Platform and poster presentations will be selected by the technical program committee from abstracts submitted for consideration.
Abstracts are due January 31, 2014.A sample abstract is readable here.
The Final Program is readable here.
The number of participants is limited to 200 - we advise you to register early.
A Registration Form is downloadable here.
Therefore, please fill in the Registration Form and send it with the Abstract of your presentation to Dr. Maira Bonini via e-mail ( not later than January 31, 2014. Fees will be due only upon receipt of confirmation of participation by the Organizing Committee. Registration fee includes list of participants, book of abstracts, meals, and Italian credits.
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The conference will consist of the following topics
1. Aerobiological and meteorological aspects of pollen movementLocal Organizing Committee
Join us - enjoy the benefits!
Registration fees for IRC members
Registration fees for non-members
If you have questions or comments or would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact the symposium organizers at