IRS grants for World Aerobiology 2024

IRS grants for World Aerobiology 2024

The International Ragweed Society is announcing grants to promote the participation of researchers in the conference “World Aerobiology 2024: The 8th European Symposium on Aerobiology, the 12th International Congress on Aerobiology and the 5th International Ragweed Conference”, which will be held in Vilnius (Lithuania) on July 1-5, 2024.

When applying for the grant, priority is given for Early Career Researchers who are individual members of the IRS and come from low-income countries.

Applicants must be present at the conference, and present a talk or a poster, thus submitting an abstract.

The International Ragweed Society offers five grants of 600 Euros each.

Grants will be awarded immediately after the conference.

Applicants have to submit a grant application with the following complementary documents:

1. Motivation letter (not exceeding one page).

2. Abstract of your oral or poster presentation

3. Short CV (not exceeding one page)

4. Support letter (not exceeding half a page) from an IRS member (having paid the 2023-2024 IRS membership fee).


Application procedures: all the documents must be sent by 16th of February to the IRS President László Makra ( ), using the email Subject: World Aerobiology 2024 Application_last name (i.e. World Aerobiology 2024 Application_Makra).


For getting IRS membership for the 2023-2024 period, the membership form is as follows: 


To download the application form, please click here.

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