Let’s talk about Ambrosia : short IRS conferences online
The International Ragweed Society is pleased to announce the start of regular sessions “Let’s talk about Ambrosia!”. Stay updated!
“Let’s talk about Ambrosia!” are short online conferences that aim to share between all persons interested in this plant knowledge about all aspects of vital ragweed functions, its impact and means of control.
The procedure is simple: a speaker presents his/her project, work or research outcomes concerning Ambrosia species during 15 min. Next 15 minutes the public can address questions to the speaker on his presentation.
And don’t forget: you can be a speaker too!
If you would like to present your ragweed-related work or project to the community, please contact: irs.ragweed@gmail.com with a short summary of your presentation proposal.
Program :
- September 7, 13.00-14.00: Citizen science to tackle Ambrosia artemisiifolia populations and prevent future invasion ? By Pr. Arnaud Monty, Liège University (Belgium). (See the video / Download the presentation )
- October 26, 13.00-14.00: Pollen-food syndrome caused by Ambrosia. By Pr. Victoria Rodinkova, Vinnytsia Medical University (Ukraine). (See the video / Download the presentation)
- December 12, 13.00-14.00 (Paris local time): Ophraella communa – Integrating species attributes to predict spatially explicit impact. By Dr. Yan Sun, College of Resource & Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University – Wuhan (China). (See the video / Download the presentation)
If you want to participate to the next session, please complete the following form to receive the link : https://forms.gle/ANVQsJ2zgRrbt9HC7