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Category: IRS

Interdisciplinary Ambrosia Workshop from Julius Kühn-Instituts 2023 – online

Interdisciplinary Ambrosia Workshop from Julius Kühn-Instituts 2023 – online

The Julius Kühn Institute organize an interdisciplinary Ambrosia workshop on 15th of February 2023. You can follow the workshop online (German language).

If you are interested, please contact Uwe Starfinger:

Here is the program of the workshop:

09:30-10:00 – Begrüßung durch Bernhard C. Schäfer/Uwe Starfinger/Malaika Herbst

Internationale Tätigkeiten

10:00-10:15 – Bericht zu internationalen Entwicklungen  Uwe Starfinger

Erfahrungen aus Österreich

10:15-11:15 – Erfahrungen mit dem Burgenländischen Ragweed Bekämpfungsgesetz, Kristina Plenk, VBNO

11:15-11:45 – Ausbreitungsdynamik und Bekämpfung von Ambrosia entlang von Straßen, Rea Maria Hall, BOKU Wien

12:00-13:00 – Mittagspause

Situation in den Bundesländern

13:00-13:20 – Situation und Maßnahmenprogramm Ambrosia in Brandenburg, Matthias Hoffmann, LELF

13:20-13:40 – Aktueller Stand der Ambrosia-Bekämpfung in NRW, Carla Michels, LANUV

13:40-14:00 – Zum Stand der Erfassung und Bekämpfung der Ambrosia in Rheinland-Pfalz, Johannes Mazomeit, Koordinator für die Erfassung und Bekämpfung der Ambrosia in Rheinland-Pfalz

14:00-14:20 – Stand des Aktionsprogramms Ambrosia in Bayern, Klaus Gehring, LfL

14:20-14:40 – Ambrosia Monitoring in Bayern, Stefan Nawrath, Projektgruppe Biodiversität und Landschaftsökologie

14:40-15:00 – Ambrosia Monitoring in Hessen, Beate Alberternst, Projektgruppe Biodiversität und Landschaftsökologie


Klinische Daten

15:20-15:40 – Ambrosia-Pollenflug in Deutschland, Barbora Werchan, PID/Charité

15:40-16:00 – Feststellung der Sensibilisierung auf Ambrosia und Beifuß mittels Pricktests in Brandenburg, Simona Menardo, LAVG

16:00-16:20 – Ambrosiastudie Drebkau, Ulf Gereke, PID/Charité

16:20-16:40 – Vorstellung des ReFoPlan-Vorhabens „Wirkmechanismen neu auftretender Pollenallergene“, Conny Höflich, UBA

Andere gebietsfremde Pflanzenarten

16:40-17:00 – Quetschgurke (Thladiantha dubia) erstmals auf Ackerland identifiziert, Klaus Gehring, LfL

Verschiedenes und Abschluss

17:00-17:20 – Verschiedenes

Weiterführung des Workshops und Öffnung für andere invasive gebietsfremde Pflanzenarten

Offene Fragen

EMAPI 2023

EMAPI 2023

EMAPI 2023 will take place from 23 to 25 of October in Pucón, Chile.

Important dates:

  • Registration (early bird), abstract submissions and optional workshops registrations: March 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023.
  • Late registration: June 6, 2023 to September 15, 2023.
  • Abstract acceptance: July 31, 2023

For more information:


An International Ragweed Society conference in Budapest

An International Ragweed Society conference in Budapest

On September 8 and 9th 2022, scientists from nearly fifteen countries met in Budapest for an international conference organized by the International Ragweed Society.

Ragweed and its pollen is a fundamental natural, economic, human and environmental health problem in many countries around the world. In especially infected countries, the total damage caused by ragweed is significant. For example, in Hungary this damage can reach around 1% of the annual GDP.

The weight and importance of the conference is increased by the fact that ragweed spreads further north with climate change and its pollen concentration increases. So, on the one hand, its health effects also increase and extend to new areas, and on the other hand it causes enormous damage to the cultivated agricultural crops, which – as food shortage is one of the future greatest risk – is an increased challenge for science.

During this conference, nearly thirty oral communications were presented.  The topics covered at the conference were the following: Distribution of ragweed species; Agricultural impacts; Economic costs; Authorities and institutions; Aerobiology: expansion of ragweed, spread of ragweed pollen; Pollen transport; Monitoring (classic and real-time); Forecast; Treatment and control methods (chemical, physical, biological, cultural, integrated, etc.); Ragwort and climate change, as well as health aspects (allergen, effect, diagnosis, therapy, etc.).

audience IRS 2022 Budapest parlamient IRS 2022 Pause IRS 2022 Lazlo Makra IRS 2022 oral communication IRS 2022


The French ragweed observatory recorded interviews of some european researchers that you can find here :

This congress was also an opportunity for the IRS committee to meet for its general assembly and to elect its new members. Thus, László MAKRA from the University of Szeged in Hungary was elected as the new president of the IRS. He succeeds Michel THIBAUDON (France) who chaired the IRS since 2018.


Below are some slides presented during the congress:


Other pictures: