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Category: IRS

International Ragweed Day 2019 (France)

International Ragweed Day 2019 (France)

In the framework of the International Ragweed Day, several actions took place during the week-end all over Europe.

An example in France with two events organized in Chassieu and in Miribel Jonage near Lyon to inform people about the “fight” against ragweed and the allergy risk related to its pollens.

More than 70 events have been recorded all over France in the framework of the ragweed day (French Webpage of International Ragweed Day) between the 15th and 30th June 2019.

If you also organized action in your country, please share it with us (gilles.oliver(at)

International Scientific Conference on ragweed

International Scientific Conference on ragweed

An international scientific conference on ragweed is organized in the frame of the INTERREG Austria-Hungary project “Joint Ambrosia Action”. It will take place in Dunakiliti (Hungary) on May 29th. No fee is required.

The aim of the conference is to get the participants to know the scientific results of the project and to give the general public a comprehensive picture of the latest research on ragweed.

Announcing the International Ragweed Day – June 22, 2019

Announcing the International Ragweed Day – June 22, 2019

During an IRS general assembly in 2011, the first Saturday of Summer has been proclaimed as the International Ragweed Day. The goal has been to increase awareness of the problem this invasive weed causes all over the world. The day was chosen because it is early in the growing season of the plant thereby gives enough time for preparations and actions.

We are inviting all people involved in the fight against ragweed to share with us events which will be organized around the 22nd of June 2019 (contact: gilles.oliver(at)

Download the leaflet of the International Ragweed Day (thanks to the French Ragweed Observatory)

You can also add the following picture in the signature of your emails to promote the event:


ICA 2018, Ragweed Sessions

ICA 2018, Ragweed Sessions

During last International Congress on Aerobiology, two sessions were dedicated to “Invasive ragweed species in Europe”. Please find below some slides of these two sessions.



First International Ragweed Workshop

First International Ragweed Workshop

During the last International Congress on Aerobiology in Parma, there was the first International Ragweed Workshop organized by the International Ragweed Society.

After an introduction by Maira Bonini, there were several talks about ragweed:

  • Allergy to ragweed and allergens involved (by Michel Thibaudon)
  • Ragweed in Europe: how to identify different species and understand their invasive potential (by Chiara Montagnani)
  • How to distinguish Ambrosia pollen from other similar pollens? (by Branko Sikoparija)
  • How to manage the Ambrosia plants? (by Rea Maria Hall)
  • The ragweed leaf beetle Ophraella Communa: its taxonomy, morphology and biology (by Heinz Mueller-Scharer)

The booklet with the slides of all these talks is now available. You can dowload it by clicking on the following links:

Part 1Part 2